Monday, June 11, 2012


I've been so MIA >< Sorry everyone! 
I'm going to try my very best to post at least times a week. Summer is getting busy! 

I hope YOUR week has been going amazing :) Yesterday was really chill, hanging with my family and my youth group at church. We had worship, ate, and had discussion about future plans. And guess what?! 
I'm going to host Youth Group Boot Camp! Its going to last about one hour with the help of a couple of my youth group members who love exercise as much as I do. Right now, I'm trying to conjure a HIIT workout for them that would be fun and challenging. Am I nerd for being excited about this? Haha I always wanted to teach others what I do for my own workout. I'll be Trainer Alina for the day ;D

After church, I went to the movies to watch this: 

How BA is Will Smith?
I actually never fully watched the first two Men in Black movies but I knew enough to watch this one. I loved it! The ending blew. my. mind. MIB 3 was well made. 

Today I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got these goodies! 

cute <3
I needed a shirt to be able to sweat in while running and this was perfect. The shorts are unbelievably light and comfortable. 

I was in the mood to bake so I used No Sugar Sweet Life's Greek Yogurt Blueberry Banana Bread recipe. It came out a little brown, but delicious still! 

I immediately dug into it! I have no control over yummy quick breads. Carbs and me have a thing. 

My mom just came home, and that means dinner! YUM

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