Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Hello my fellow reindeers! 
I have been gone for a while haven't I? 

Alina's very sorry. 
Sometimes life can take over and get you a bit crazy! After mid-terms, I was definitely in recharge mode. I'm getting a lot more sleep and exercise has finally come into balance after spending time studying. I hope everyone has had nothing but peace and love while I was gone :)

Since I've been out, a lot of things have been happening around the world. I want to send out my deepest prayers and condolences to the community and those families affected by the CT shooting. I pray that God may be the peace and strength to those who are hurting. 

That tragedy really put my life in perspective and helped me realize that every second we have on earth is precious. Don't have anything or anyone taken for granted because everything is a blessing. I couldn't hold back the tears when I was watching the live report on the news and knowing that some families would not be able to spend time with their loved ones this holiday. 

Make every breath count! Laugh more, smile often and surround yourself with love this holiday season. Recognize that there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. 

I'm thankful for all of your support on Keep Smiling and Love Life. I started this blog as a little journal  and to keep myself accountable. But it's grown into something much more than that. I've made so many friends through this and learned things that I would have never thought of otherwise! You all make my a difference in my health and my heart. I can never thank you all enough for reading my posts and making me feel at home. 

I will be back with more to say but for now, I wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday! 
God bless<3

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